Hello , my name is

Jarno Wieman
Welcome to my website

Who am I ?

A very lovely picture of me, Jarno Wieman

I am a software developer with a passion for creating and learning new things. I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities. Besides that I love cats, choccy milk, mountainbiking, music and playing video games. Feel free to look around and see what I am capable of or check out my socials to see what else I get up to.

These are some of the skills i posses:

  • Programming Languages
    • Java
    • C#
    • Golang
    • Bash
    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • php
    • html
    • css
    • scss
    • sass
  • Frameworks
    • Spring boot
    • ASP.NET Core
    • Gin
    • Laravel
    • Svelte
    • SvelteKit
    • React.js
    • Next.js
    • Vue.js
    • Nuxt.js
  • Tools
    • Docker
    • Docker Swarm
    • Git
    • GitHub
    • GitHub Actions
    • Postman
    • Swagger
    • Figma
  • Concepts
    • SOLID
    • Xtreme Programming
    • CI/CD
    • OOP
    • TDD
    • DDD
    • REST
    • SCRUM
    • Agile
    • Observability

Where to find me: